Turns out wearing my Michael Jackson tee on this cold day was sort of appropriate considering the kind of weekend it was. I put a long gray pea coat on over this when I stepped out, dressed like I thought I live in NYC when in fact, I am still in North Carolina where it will never be cold enough for me to layer up the way I did. This weekend I mostly did online work in the comfort of my room and ventured out only to watch the Grammys Sunday evening. Saturday night, however, my calm and content productivity was interrupted by one of my roommates rushing into my room to say that Whitney Houston passed away. I did not and still cannot believe it.

I’ve had this tee for a while, and I absolutely didn’t think Whitney Houston would be joining Michael any time soon. She was the voice, and such an amazing artist. So many words could be said about her greatness but they wouldn’t be enough. No other compares.
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