
43 posts

There’s No Time

Cheers to you, Creative Mornings! It’s too bad every day’s 8 a.m. doesn’t look like a fruity pebble donut and a pep talk from the really interesting person of the month. I could leave the crowd of 200 (#introvertproblems), but take the green juice that obviously...

Just Write

Just Write

The alarm breaks into the silent darkness, shrieking loudly and way earlier than it needs to. I sit up with ninja-like speed, and jump out of bed without hesitating. I rush through only the most necessary grooming and head down the hall to the office. Finally, I’m where I’...

Graphic Design Marriage of Letter and Lens

This is a design crush for the ages. Two young, talented creative types united the art of lettering with photography to express one simple, inspirational theme: all good things require risks. Graphic designer and typographer Noel Shiveley and photographer Alex McDonell collaborated for the Minimalism Project, a series that invokes...

Things They Don’t Make Pills For

Though I graduated in May, this post is for the Senior Summaries series that I started. Finishing my last year of college and now going into a completely different season of life brought strange feelings that still linger now. I’m not sad, I’m not wishing I did everything...

Taking My Time

Unintentionally, of course, I took some time off. Sometimes life gets so busy that time passes and I realize I haven’t had time to do anything I want to do. I have let go of a few obligations that were weighing me down and now will hopefully be able...

Back to Blogging

It sure has been a while. A few months ago, I started this journey that began with the thought that if I really want my love for digital journalism to be expressed through this blog, I have to enjoy what I’m putting out there and how I’m doing...

Collecting Moments

You know those weeks where you think they’ll go smoothly and be mostly uneventful until it starts and you end up adding a million things to your planner? That’s how this one was. My main project this week was the designing and publishing of Style a Pirate, a...

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