Ever since I started working at Jos. A. Bank men’s clothiers, my love and admiration for menswear has intensified. Men can undoubtably be as fashionable as women, and even more fashionable than some of us. The four bloggers I have featured in this post are living, walking, stylish proof of this. They all have an undeniable sense of style and taste for color, patterns and texture. I follow their blogs in anticipation of what they’ll come up with next and which items they’re admiring whether it’s pochettes, watches, motorcycle jackets or anything else. These gentlemen, my friends, make me desire bow ties and wing tip shoes of my own.

I have surrounded myself with a few more stylish men lately, and every time I meet a new one and see new posts from these guys I remember exactly why. There is absolutely nothing like a well-dressed man, folks. Guide your clicker to these links and see for yourself.
Are there any other fashion blogs by men that you think I should check out?
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