Shannon Sometimes | Personal essays, books, internet findings, thoughts, opinions.

Pumpkin Fever

I know a lot of people don’t see what the fuss is about and can’t stand anything with pumpkin flavor (like my mom — how can we be related?), but I’m obsessively into this season. I’m talking full-blown pumpkin fever. It all started with lattes and these...

Links I’m Loving

It’s finally Friday, marking the beginning of Fall Break at my school. I’m been dibbling and dabbling around the interwebs all week as usual —  pinning, learning, screen shopping and so on. Here are a few links I’ve come across that undoubtedly made it to my bookmarks. 1....

Collecting Moments

You know those weeks where you think they’ll go smoothly and be mostly uneventful until it starts and you end up adding a million things to your planner? That’s how this one was. My main project this week was the designing and publishing of Style a Pirate, a...

Mixed Up

It’s getting chilly now so I took advantage of one of my last few chances to wear a fun outfit of thin summer pieces on one of those random hot days. Life is mellowing out now and I’m doing so much better with balance. All I want to...

School Days and Organization Phase

Losing a notebook the other day made me realize just how much I rely on having things completely together. I write everything down – sometimes two or three to-do lists per day that consist of virtually the same things. All of my ideas and random written work was in that notebook,...

Nuisance Nails

Owning almost as much nail polish as the local salon makes me want to keep mine polished all the time. However, there are some times when my nails won’t cooperate and aren’t always long enough to look pretty in polish. It’s annoying. When this happens, I drink...

Cupcake Bouquet

I’m generally not the crafty type, but I magically gain a little more patience for creating when I get an excuse to bake something. Yesterday was a good friend, Terresa’s, birthday (twenty one!) and I wanted make a gift instead of racking my brain trying to figure out...

Collecting Moments

Wearing my favorite shirt and my favorite necklace on the same day makes for a good one. It’s been quite a busy time, moving in and out of places, but I’m finally starting to get settled. Any trouble I’m having is my fault since I discovered that...

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