As a lover of all things black and white and simple, the grid print (also referred to this season as windowpane or even “the new plaid”) struck a cord with me immediately. It has become my favorite print to see right now and is being produced at rapid speed in dresses, sweaters, and especially pants. It’s everywhere and I don’t mind.

Top, left to right: Gala Gonzalez of Amlul, Paris Fashion Week street style shot by Vanity Fair Italy, Jackie of Little J Style.
Bottom, left to right: Annabelle of VivaLuxury, Mariann of Cashmere in Style, Jenny of Crazy Style Love.

Top, left to right: Banana Republic ankle pants, Anthropologie sweater jacket, Banana Republic peplum sweater.
Bottom, left to right: BB Dakota sweater, Need Supply dress, Piperlime sequin tank.
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